Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kids....I am at the end of my rope....

I'm not even sure where to start....my son got in trouble AGAIN yesterday. He is now suspended until Monday for truancy. But that is the least of his problems. He stole caps for a cap gun while he was skipping. His friend stole knives and the cap guns in the first store, apparently. I am at the end of my rope...so frustrated. And then I found that picture...and it explains EXACTLY how I feel!! emoticon

Thankfully, I was able to make up my time from yesterday today, but it is getting very old. I did not raise him this way...to lie...to steal...to skip...The other student? was laying it all on my son, and my son did not see how this was not a good friend? We had a good (I hope!) discussion last night, away from SU. One thing I've learned is that SU, while trying to be helpful, speaks at the wrong time and says the wrong thing. He would be better off saying nothing at all.

I called the bank today...and left a message inquiring about mortgage assistance through work. We'll see if she calls back before I leave to go back to work today. If not, I will try again tomorrow. I know that the worst thing she will say is "No." And then she will follow it up with "This is what you need to do so I can say yes." Dad is supportive of our leaving SU, just isn't sure how he might be able to help. At least he's supportive...I was afraid that I would be doing this on my own.

Otherwise, not a lot in our home. I did orientation (basically the filling out of paperwork) for McDonalds. I was having some issues reconciling with that, too, until I remembered that I have an aunt who still works at her local McDonalds...so I'm good again. It's amazing how much of a snob I have become in some respects. My coworkers at my full-time job thought it was pretty neat, too. That's a nice feeling.

Since my son is suspended from school this week, I don't need to be up at 530. I will definitely be taking advantage of that!! He has extra chores to do, and that is what we will leave it as until he is charged, etc. etc. *sigh* Hopefully he has learned...or will learn and retain...his lesson this time....

Positives for the day: My coworkers were happy to see me unexpectedly today!!


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