Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Yes...I've been absent. So sorry. And this month is NaNo. And I just read an article by a woman LAMBASTING NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month). She is someone who clearly doesn't understand it so in her opinion it's wrong, it's stupid, it's a waste of time. The article is here and she really does strike me as a hateful person. Well, spiteful.

And so I would like you to read this wonderful comment. I couldn't have said it better myself.

I have tried NaNo for 4 years previously and have yet to hit 50,000 words. But every year I get better and every year I get closer. More importantly, every year I have a good time seeing how far I can push myself and cheering on my friends that are participating with me.

This Laura Miller person? Can kiss my patootie.

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